Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Studies have shown undoubtedly that smoking harms almost every organ of human body; some of which are immediate and others appear in due course of time. In this article I intend to examine the effects of smoking related to some important organs of human body.


Nicotine produced by cigarette smoking is an addictive substance like heroin. As nicotine changes your brain it is hard to beat it. Extra receptors are developed in the brain by continued used of tobacco. When supply of tobacco is stopped withdrawal symptoms are developed. The user feels anxious, and irritable. He also develops a strong craving for re-supply.

Head and face

Ears: Supply of oxygen to cochlea is reduced by continuous smoking. Cochlea is a snail shaped organ filled with two fluids and have important functions in maintaining the hearing ability of the ears. The reduced supply of oxygen to cochlea can lead to mild to moderate loss in hearing ability.

Eyes:  Nicotine from smoking can lead to the restriction in the production of a chemical that is necessary to maintain your night vision capabilities. Smoking also increases the possibility of development of cataract as well as macular degeneration which can lead to blindness.

Mouth:  People who regularly smoke are found to have oral problems like ulcers, gum diseases, mouth sores etc than non smokers. Smokers are also more prone to lose of teeth and development of teeth cavities. They may also develop cancers of the throat and mouth.

Face: Smoking makes your skin dry and it loses its elasticity that can lead to formation of wrinkles and some stretch marks. Skin tone of such people turns grayish and dull.  Smokers start developing wrinkles as early as their 30s around their eyes and mouth making them look older that real age.


Lungs become scarred: smoking can lead to the inflammation of the airways and some tissues of your lungs. This can lead to shortness of breath, wheezing and tightness in chest.  If the inflammation is continued for a long period it can lead to the formation physical changes in your lungs or its airways. Continued lung mutilation can lead to chronic cough followed by mucus.

Respiratory infections: The airways are lined with tiny hairs known as cilia.  Cilia’s function is to sweep out dirt and mucus so that your lungs remain clear. Smoking paralyzes or kills the cilia. This makes the person prone to infections and cold than non smokers.

Caner: Human body contains cells  which have important   functions related to  DNA. DNA contains instruction for the cell to grow and function. Cigarette smoke can change the DNA and this can result in the formation of cancerous cells. One third of the cancer deaths are caused by lung cancer.

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