Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Estate planning is really important to get started with and it’s not only for people who are considering their end-of-life arrangements due to age or a medical condition. For creating an estate plan, you’ll probably get advised to seek help from an estate planning attorney PG County or someone who is a professional in the field. If you’re confused as to whether you need a lawyer for estate planning or not, then here is everything you need to know about it.

Advantages Of Hiring An Estate Planning Lawyer

Here are some of the best things about getting an estate planning attorney.

They Help You Out

A lawyer is helpful for the most part. Whether it’s estate planning or not, if you opt for a lawyer then things will automatically be easier for you. There are many things that a lawyer can walk you through and with a lawyer things just seem breezy and less complicated.

If you are thinking about starting an estate plan soon, then you need to go for a lawyer who is an expert in this field, because they will know what to do for the most part and they will also guide you through the best way of going about an estate plan with the least possible hiccups.

They Are Knowledgeable

A lawyer isn’t just there for kicks. These folks know the law like the back of their hand. They know what goes down in court, the most obvious and common disputes, over assets, and how to avoid probate, so they’re a good thing to have if you don’t know anything about estate planning or how you can even start it.

An estate planning lawyer will guide you through the steps and what necessary measures are required for you to begin your estate plan. You can get started on an estate plan without a lawyer, but you will need legal input as you go forward, so it’s better to get one now.

They Make Things Easy

One of the main advantages of getting a lawyer for your estate planning process is the fact that they will make things super easy for you. If you have a lawyer, then you don’t need to worry about things like drafting up paperwork.

You can just have your lawyer do it for you. If things like documentation and legal processes scare you, then getting a lawyer will make everything look and feel like a cake walk and that’s amazing, at the end of the day.

They Make The Process Fast

Lastly, another very hefty advantage of getting a lawyer for your estate planning process is the fact that they will make the process fast for you. Think about it: if you are starting something like an estate plan from scratch, knowing nothing about it, then it will take you a lot of time.

However, a lawyer, since it’s their job to make and deal with estate plans daily, knows everything so they will do everything quickly and efficiently and you won’t even have to move a muscle.

Disadvantages Of Hiring An Estate Planning Lawyer

Here are some of the downsides of an estate planning lawyer:

They Are Expensive

This is no surprise, but still, it’s one of the major reasons why it’s not possible for everyone get a lawyer for estate planning. Lawyers are no joke when it comes to expenses and a lot of people can’t justify their fees, which is why they resort to doing things by themselves.

This is fine and making a will without a lawyer is completely doable, but it’s still better if the process is being overlooked by someone with a professional eye and this is why it’s recommended. So, if you don’t have the budget, then maybe going for an estate planning lawyer isn’t the best option for you.

It’s Hard To Find One

You can’t find a good lawyer until or unless you know how to search for one. This is important because the type of lawyer you choose will determine how your case will flow. If you choose a professional estate planning attorney, then everything will go smoothly for you.

If you don’t, then you’ll always hit roadblocks along the way and that is annoying for a lot of people. So, always do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask the lawyer questions, before you think about committing to one.

When Do You Need An Estate Planning Lawyer?

Here are some scenarios in which getting a lawyer for estate planning is advised:

You Have A Big Estate

If you have a big estate with lots of assets all over the place, then you should hire a wills and trust attorney Largo for your estate planning process. Since your assets might be in different cities, you need to have an integrated legal system to ensure that all the laws are being followed and that there aren’t any issues when it comes to the estate planning process.

If you have a reasonable estate, then you can resort to doing things on your own, if that’s what you prefer.

You Own A Business

If you are an entrepreneur or a partner in a business venture, then you need to think about what will happen after you’re gone. So, this is why you need to get in touch with a lawyer to ensure that steps are taken to reach the completion of whatever your wish is.

Whether you want to give the entire business to your partner or make another family member a key beneficiary, is up to you, but you will need a lawyer for it as they will walk you through the best possible scenarios.

You Are Unmarried

Unmarried estate owners have a bit of a different process when it comes to estate planning because they don’t necessarily have anyone like a spouse or children to make them the beneficiaries of the assets.

So, in cases like these, you’ll need to have a lawyer, because they can ensure that your will, if you have any, must be followed through till the end and no one will try to alter the directions on the will. For married couples, things are pretty self-explanatory, since the beneficiaries are mostly their spouse or children, however, with unmarried people, the case is a bit different.

There Are Special Needs Involved

There are a lot of families out there. Some stay the same and some break up and turn into blended family units. There are also adopted members of the family, who aren’t blood-related and then there also might be some people who have disabilities or special requirements.

So, in these cases, it becomes really important that you consider a lawyer because they know how to deal with all of these things mentioned above. So, if you want, you can always go for an estate planning attorney to make things smooth and fuss-free.


You should hire a lawyer for estate planning if you’re doing something like this for the first time and don’t know how it will go. An estate planning lawyer Upper Marlboro can make the process simpler and easier for you but they can be expensive for some people. So, the decision is all up to you at the end of the day.

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