Wednesday, September 11, 2024

It seems that wisdom teeth removal is already like a common thing to do. These molars usually appear once we have reached the age of 16 to 25. In some cases, there is no problem comes out when the teeth are growing. But, in most cases, people have complained how they feel so painful during the growth of wisdom teeth. Besides the pain, here are some other issues which demand you to do the same procedure.

  1. Gum Inflammation

Gum inflammation is the most common issue that people experience when they have their wisdom teeth growing. This can happen because the teeth only have limited space to come out. When the inflammation has appeared, you will feel quite painful. It will be very difficult to relieve the condition. Furthermore, this situation will get worse when infection occurs. This is caused by bacteria which are breeding in the area of partial impaction. Thus, it is better for you to take a wisdom teeth removal before the condition becomes more serious.

  1. Overcrowding

When wisdom teeth are growing, they usually try to arise in a space that is already crowded. This situation forces the other teeth to get pushed aside. Consequently, the placement of your teeth will become disorganized. To treat this matter, you will have to go through braces installation. For some people, braces can be very uncomfortable, especially when they are eating.

  1. Damage to Neighboring Teeth

The effect of abnormal molars growth toward other teeth is not only misalignment. Previously, we have said that infection from bacteria can happen due to partial impactions. The bacterias are able to spread to neighboring teeth and infect them all. Moreover, there will be a development of cavities on the tooth roots. If you already have this problem, go to a dentist soon. Besides removing the molars, you can ask for a tooth cleaning as well to get rid of the bacteria.

  1. Affect Jaw Movement

Your jaw movement might also change as a result of the wisdom teeth. Particularly, it is your chewing function that will get disrupted. For example, the teeth often scrape the soft tissues in the mouth. Or, sometimes you accidentally bite your cheeks. Food get caught under the gum tissue might happen too in this case. Not only is it affecting your teeth, but also your digestive system.

  1. Hard to Clean

Some of you might find it quite difficult to clean your wisdom teeth. It is because the location is far back inside the mouth. The cleaning can be more troublesome when our toothbrush cannot reach the gap between rearmost morals and the neighboring teeth. As a result, the food left at that area will become a perfect place for bacteria to breed. That will result other dental problems.

So, do you have any of these issues while having your molars? If you do have one or even more of them, wisdom teeth removal by the best dentist is highly recommended.

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