Saturday, July 27, 2024

When it is time to send the little child to school for the first time, most parents face this confusion that which school would be the right one for their little one. Choosing the right school is an important thing as it plays a major role in how the child grows and how his future would get carved out.  Unlike the olden days when parents used to send their kids to the nearest local public school, the modern day parents have a bigger task at their hand. They have to ensure that they are giving the best education option to their children and that is why it becomes important that they ask a few questions before deciding on any particular school.

How long would you want the child to travel daily?

You need to remember that the child should not need to travel for long just because you wanted him or her to study in the best school of the town. Long commuting time to schools will make the children tired at home and they will not be able to focus on their studies at all.

What is the teacher-student ratio at the school?

Many people check on the number of students that get enrolled in the school every year. However, that will not give you the right picture about the level of care that would be provided by the teachers. If the classes are overcrowded with students, it would not be possible for the teachers to focus on the developments of every student. Thus, you should be looking at schools that maintain a student-teacher 12-20:1 which means that there would one teacher attending 12-20 students.

What facilities will the school offer to your child?

Schools are not just centers for getting educated. Schools are basically the place where a child develops himself in all aspects of life. It is thus important that the school provides other facilities that will support the learning of the children. While playgrounds will help them stay physically fit, extracurricular activities like music, drama or art would help them unleash their creative minds as they grow into responsible human beings.

What is the feedback mechanism being followed at the school?

You would definitely not want to stay in the dark when it comes to matters of your child’s progress. Hence, you may want to enroll your child in a school that arranges for periodic parent-teacher meetings wherein the parents are apprised with the academic performances of their wards. Many schools hold annual PTMs, which may not suffice if you are an inquisitive and anxious guardian who is worried about the education of their child.

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